5 years ago
For Recolor’s Love Event. The colors of the Asexual flag were chosen.


5 years ago
@—Slyther🐍 Lol YES!!!


5 years ago
I just got my braces tightened and I chose purple for ace pride 😆🏳️‍🌈 I love the way you colored it ❤️ :)))


5 years ago
@🏳️‍🌈🐢OreoTwix_turtle•ally•🐢🏳️‍🌈 Lol thank you!! That’s really cool. And oof, I’m actually on my way to an ortho consultation. All Ik is that my jaw is too small, (it’s also like unhinged) and apparently I need screws in my mouth… 😬


5 years ago
Hek yea!! Ace pride! 🖤💜


5 years ago
@«𝔸𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕟» 🏳️‍🌈 Lol HECK YES!!! PRIDE FOR LIFE!!


5 years ago
@🏳️‍🌈ANDPEGGY!!! PRIDE ALLY🏳️‍🌈 oof hope it went well! And ow that sounds like pain and suffering. Pride for life!!


5 years ago
@sweatshirt_addict Lol oh no you’re fine! 😊 So from my knowledge, asexual is not having a sexual attraction to anyone (if this is wrong feel free to correct me)


5 years ago
@sweatshirt_addict Lol same 😅

🌹🎤🤎GiGi RoSe🤎🎤🌹

5 years ago


5 years ago
@🌹GiGi RoSe🌹 Thank you!!!


5 years ago
@🏳️‍🌈🐢OreoTwix_turtle•ally•🐢🏳️‍🌈 Thanks for the idea for braces color 😂 I’ve been trying to covertly show my pride for the last year or so... 😁


5 years ago
@•Basically_Loki• no problem! I’m glad I was able to help someone out! 😁

Sandra O_o

5 years ago
Very pretty. Nice crayon work too


5 years ago
@Sandra O_o Thank you!! 😊


5 years ago
AMAZING! I did a very similar one 💜 I love your take on this and CONGRATS!! 💜🧡💜🧡


5 years ago
Congrats on making it to the Love Stories Spotlight page! ❤️💙


5 years ago
@🍁🍂🐶Maple🐶🍂🍁 @kimbunny Thank you!!! 😊


5 years ago
@good.evil Thank you!! And congrats to you as well! I loved all of your pride themed pictures.


5 years ago
congratulations on being featured in Love stories... phenomenal job#FollowMe