💜My Purple Skies💜

3 years ago
Another illustration by Alex Tang found on pinterest.  It was black and white, so I just gave her some life. Just as I was considering coming back, I noticed this time 2 of my pictures were removed the same one as before with the blue bird earring and the one split between color but no shading and B&W shading. I am emotionally drained. Again I have tears in my eyes and a knot in my throat. Whoever is doing this just know that you have successfully ruined my safe place. I am terribly depressed, I have been for years and this had become my escape, but not anymore thanks to you, I hope you're happy. Support has been notified, I really hope they find a better way to review the reports because this is just ridiculous. I'm not leaving for good but I won't be back any time soon.      ************Edit ************* Both pictures are back up now, support didn't say anything about it they just put them back up. I've read all your comments and I truly appreciate all the love and support. Sorry for not replying but I'm not in the best mood right now. I promise to be back as soon as I feel better.

Jimmy s.

3 years ago


3 years ago

LucysMama 🐕

3 years ago
This is beautiful! You did a wonderful job putting color into an otherwise B&W picture. How awful that someone reported you for some of your work. Why?? Are they jealous? There are trolls all over the internet, and I’m sorry to know they lurk among the beautiful, supportive artists in this community.


3 years ago
Are you kidding me- i’m so sorry my🥺 how could recolor/reporters do this to u? you have worked SO HARD💕 and now thanks to the reporters they are taking all that away tbh it’s not funny- to the people reporting.. pls stop- it’s getting very annoying now, and i bet My has worked on those for HOURS🥺🧡 i’m really sorry My🥺💗 hope you’ll come by the summer🌿 we miss u, and we hope u recover😔 THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL BTW🧡💕


3 years ago
this is gorgeous!! i’m so sorry for what you’re going through. whoever is reporting needs to stop and reflect on what they’re doing and how it might affect others. i’m hope they stop reporting on yours and other peoples work. feel better soon 😞♥️♥️💖💕


3 years ago
I'm so sorry My! it's horrible that they are doing this to you! you are one of the best artists on here, and if they can't see that....then something is horribly wrong. I had no idea that you were depressed, you always seem so happy. I hope you feel better soon. if I see anybody acting weird, I will tell you.

𓄹𓏲𔓘𝙱ꪮ𝔟𝑦𓍊۰ ࣪. ִֶָ⁠

3 years ago
BEAUTIFUL!! GORGEOUS!! & STUNNING!! 💓✨💓✨💓✨💓 I am so sorry, My! They are probably jealous of your talent. This type of trolls just want attention & when they don't get it they become awful & started to hurt others. I am utterly disgusted by their actions. Don't let them win. We all got your back. Whenever you return we'll be here.😊💞 Please, take care & stay strong! Much love!❤

🌈 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 🌈

3 years ago
AGH, THIS IS SO GORGEOUS MY! I am so sorry 😞, I hope everything gets fixed 💞

Hermione Granger 1234

3 years ago
I hope you feel bettter soon you deserve some time off and this is stunning

Artist forever

3 years ago
I'm sorry for your posts getting taken down again and again, I just don't understand what people see wrong bout it, the restrictions has got to loosen up a little, that way people can't just go around reporting stuff, I hope you feel better, take your own time, come back whenever you feel like it, stay safe👍👍👍

🌹🎤🤎GiGi RoSe🤎🎤🌹

3 years ago
A mi también me han hecho lo mismo y si molesta muchísimo! A mi me han reportado muchos de mis dibujos y me han dicho cosas feisimas. Sigo aquí por las personas dulces y por amor al arte. Ya nada me sorprende ni me molesta. Cuando me hablan malo borro y reporto la cuenta. Cuando me copian o cogen screenshots ya no me importa porque nunca lo hacen mejor que yo y todos mis seguidores saben que fui yo la que lo hice primero. He aprendido a lidiar con todo. Espero que mejores. Lindo los 2 colorings!


3 years ago
I'm so sorry for you are going through. Please take care & search profesional support. I did once and help me a lot Your picture is extraordinary!!! Much love 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😊😊🥰😏


3 years ago
Honey, I have had images removed. Once, it was for no apparent reason. When I contacted support, the said it was removed by accident and restored it. It is always bothersome, but it shouldn't taint your experience here. Giving attention to anyone who may be targeting you, only gives them what they want. Ignore them and focus on those of us who support you, love you and admire your gorgeous art. If the pattern persists demand support figure out who is doing it and deal with them


3 years ago
accordingly. No matter what, don't focus on the one person who may be doing this ... focus on the rest of us. People who enjoy doing this sort of thing are miserable people. They seek reaction and if they can't get it, they stop. Don't let them win ... "losers" should never win! 😘

Lisa Mays

3 years ago


3 years ago

🌂𝓚𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✨ 🖤✒️🖋✨🌂

3 years ago
I’m so so so sorry my that this is happening to you of all people… hope everything goes well in the end. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ - Kira


3 years ago


3 years ago
🌼💛🌺 Bella 🌼💛🌺