*râńdøm! ëx!stęnçê* 🪐

4 years ago
when you get g noted

•° Chris again°•

4 years ago
when you forget your Spanish lesson

*râńdøm! ëx!stęnçê* 🪐

4 years ago
when youre getting roasted but youre holding back a joke that will destroy a person's will to live so you have to just keep getting roasted that took way too long to type lol

•° Chris again°•

4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison When your girlfriend had a side fling

Karoline Does Art Stuff

4 years ago
when you trip on ice in a parking lot and as you fall you contemplate life


4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison When you accidentally hurt your friend's (who kind of has a crush on you) feelings trying to explain to her that you don't like her in the way she likes you

mc Lizzy

4 years ago
When you have break dance lessons


4 years ago
[inserts caption]


4 years ago
when your headphones get caught in the doorknob


4 years ago
pfft bethany


4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison

*râńdøm! ëx!stęnçê* 🪐

4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison bEtHaNy

✨🏳️‍🌈 myst kid 🏳️‍🌈✨

4 years ago
When you slip

*râńdøm! ëx!stęnçê* 🪐

4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison ynahteb

🏳️‍🌈Ghøst øf Øhiø🏳️‍🌈

4 years ago
March 22, 2013

🏳️‍🌈Ghøst øf Øhiø🏳️‍🌈

4 years ago
That’s all I have to say

🏳️‍🌈Ghøst øf Øhiø🏳️‍🌈

4 years ago
@Mrs. Party Poison Spongebob: Gravity don’t mean too much to me

thts jazzy💛

4 years ago
when you do part of your hw tht waa due fri but then the weekend comes and you still don't do so u walk into class with half of it done...


4 years ago
It’s too holy and beautiful to caption. It doesn’t deserve words. IT IS THE WORDS.

•° Chris again°•

4 years ago
When you find out your boyfriend is a girl