
4 years ago
This is a story dedicated to Morganโ™ฅ๏ธ or @๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผโ™พalways, morganโ™พ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ— go show her some loveโ™ฅ๏ธand please donโ€™t comment until im done (Sorry had to do something quick)


4 years ago
What is Nothing? By: Emma Friday, August 23, 2019 What is nothing? Some might say it doesnโ€™t exist. Others say itโ€™s just a word. That itโ€™s just an overused exaggeration. How am I supposed to find out for myself if I donโ€™t even live to 16? How am I supposed to know if itโ€™s true? If itโ€™s real?


4 years ago
Yes, thatโ€™s right. I probably wonโ€™t live to 16. You see, I have Leukemia, stage three. That means my blood is diseased. The doctors caught it late and Iโ€™ll start my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow. Iโ€™m scared. I havenโ€™t told anyone about this yet. Just my family. I donโ€™t have any close friends or a boyfriend or anything. Just me. Itโ€™s hard. It is hard not knowing which day is going to be your last. On the outside, Iโ€™m as healthy as can be. But on the inside, thatโ€™s where the plague runs


4 years ago
runs wild. I donโ€™t have the power to stop it so I canโ€™t. Iโ€™m just supposed to sit there and let them inject something into me. To help, and to hurt. Saturday, August 24, 2019 My dad takes me over to the hospital. I walk through the lonely halls imagining the stories of everyone who has stayed here. Anything to keep my mind off the medication that will soon be shoved into my body.


4 years ago
I move to make way for an elderly man using his walker to inch down the hallway. I feel bad for him, but soon I wonโ€™t be much better off. I shiver, thinking of the day when Iโ€™ll have to lay in a hospital bed for days, weeks until my body finally gives out. I throw that thought at the wall. โ€œThink positive!โ€ My dad said earlier this morning. I still roll my eyes thinking about it. How am I supposed to โ€˜think positiveโ€™ when thereโ€™s hardly any hope?


4 years ago
Thereโ€™s a 40% chance Iโ€™ll live through this, and if I survived, eventually my cancer could come back. Thereโ€™s no use in โ€˜thinking positiveโ€™, itโ€™s just a waste of time. I arrive in a big room with chairs placed strategically around the walls. I check in with the nurse and choose a spot next to a window. Iโ€™m not ready to start my first round of chemo.


4 years ago
Iโ€™m not ready to lose my hair and be sick out of my mind. A nurse comes and sticks a needle in my skin. I watch the medicine in the bag slowly drip down, through the pipe and into me. I shudder and focus on my new sketch, a brick wall with Ironman spray-painted on the side. So far, Iโ€™d say it looks pretty good. I keep sketching to keep my mind off two things. One, the medicine that flowing through my body, and two,


4 years ago
my school starts on Monday and I know no one. My only friend moved to Wyoming, which is over 15 hours away from Seattle, where she left me, alone. I continue to draw, my hand gripping around the pencil more and more. Thursday, August 29, 2019 I missed school yesterday from the effects of chemo. I was vomiting constantly, hardly ever leaving the bathroom. I make my way through the halls, bumping into almost everyone that comes my way.


4 years ago
When I think thereโ€™s no one in the perpendicular hall, I turn and ram straight into Liam Braxton, the most popular sophomore ever. I stumble backward, dropping my books and papers all over the hall. He grabs my wrist to keep me from running into the next person turning into the hallway. I start to pick up my books as he bends down to grab the scattered papers.


4 years ago
โ€œThanks,โ€ I mumble, grabbing the papers from his outstretched arm. โ€œYouโ€™re welcome. Itโ€™s Morgan, right?โ€ โ€œYeahโ€ฆ?โ€ โ€œIโ€™m Liam.โ€ I nod. โ€œWell, thanks.โ€ โ€œSee you around.โ€ โ€œBye,โ€ I turn and go on my way. ~ I shut my book and close my eyes. Laying down on my bed, I contemplate whether or not to do my homework. I donโ€™t get very far. ~


4 years ago
I walk into the room and the peaceful sound of nothingness surprises me. I sit down on the floor and just listen. I havenโ€™t heard this sound in forever. I start to lay down and then I hear it. The pitter-patter of raindrops bouncing off the roof. This sound calms me too. But Iโ€™m much more familiar with it. I wish it would go away. I want to hear nothingness again. I look out the window, my vision blurred from the rain streaming down it.


4 years ago
And from the tears streaming down my face. I start to fall. Iโ€™m too weak to stand. I had to get help. Saturday, September 1, 2019 Iโ€™m back at the hospital, getting a follow-up appointment after my chemo. I hold my parentsโ€™ hands, waiting for some good news. The doctor says the medicine didnโ€™t help. It didnโ€™t work. The cancer was getting worse and worse. Spreading throughout my body, and I couldnโ€™t stop it. I would have to wait another few weeks until the next round of chemo.


4 years ago
I couldnโ€™t wait that long if this would kill me. Every day I come back to this prison, same routine, same people, same thing. If the medicine wasnโ€™t working, then why should I have to come back? Why should I have to keep getting the medicine that didnโ€™t help? It didnโ€™t add up. I want to be free of this dungeon, these chains. I want to be free and live a normal life, even if it would kill me.


4 years ago
Friday, September 27, 2019 I sit alone at this table in the corner of the cafeteria listening to the loud voices. Iโ€™ve started my second round of chemo and Iโ€™ve already started losing my thick caramel hair. It wonโ€™t be long until I have to shave my head. Iโ€™m not ready for that. I canโ€™t let people see me like that. I wonโ€™t. Liam walks over and sits by me. Heโ€™s been a great friend and I need to tell him about my cancerโ€ฆbut I just canโ€™t. What will he think of me?


4 years ago
He wouldnโ€™t want to hang around with someone sick and weak. But, I have to tell him before I get too close. I have to keep myself from more pain. โ€œLiam, I need to tell you somethingโ€ฆโ€ I ease into the conversation. By his face, I can tell heโ€™s concerned. โ€œIโ€ฆIโ€ฆI haveโ€ฆcancer.โ€ I finish uneasily. He looks confused, scared, and maybe even a little hurt. โ€œFor real, Morgan?โ€ He doesnโ€™t make eye contact. โ€œYeah, leukemia. And itโ€™s spreading.โ€


4 years ago
โ€œAre you going toโ€ฆtoโ€ฆdie?โ€ He starts to tear up. I donโ€™t answer him for the longest time. โ€œMaybe?โ€ I question myself, wondering if I said the right thing. Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Iโ€™m at the hospital, the medicine being pushed into my blood. I asked Liam to stop by, for company. Who knows if he actually will. โ€œHey, Cupcake.โ€ I hear a voice call from behind me.


4 years ago
โ€œHi, Liam.โ€ โ€œWhatcha working on?โ€ I show him a sketch of us. A copy of a picture we took before I lost my hair. โ€œMorgan, wow, thatโ€™s amazing.โ€ โ€œItโ€™s for you.โ€ He grins. โ€œYouโ€™re the best, the best friend I could ever ask for.โ€ I start to cough uncontrollably. A nurse rushes over and takes me away, to a room to die, to sit alone and wait. To wait for my last breath.


4 years ago
Tuesday, December 5, 2019 I donโ€™t have much longer. Now I just sit in the hospital and wait. Just like I knew would happen. I havenโ€™t experienced love, or nothingness, just friendship. And Iโ€™m grateful for that. Iโ€™m grateful for Liam, whoโ€™s stayed with me and cried with me and just been there. Now I sit in this bed, longing to hear nothingness and not hear the beeping of the machines and all the commotion around me. My parents are here with me as Iโ€™m dying, but I just want to be alone.


4 years ago
I hear a gentle knock at the door. Itโ€™s Liam. My parents leave us to say goodbye. He just sits and looks into my eyes. A tear runs down his cheek and I start to break. Reaching out my arms, I hug him tight and whisper โ€œI love you.โ€ I pull out the sketch of us. The sketch I never got to give him. I still donโ€™t know what real nothingness is but Iโ€™m close. He kisses my cheek and looks at me. Wiping the tears off my face, he whispers it back.


4 years ago
I feel a deep friendship. My heart starts to slow down. My eyes start to close. My breathing becomes slow. My body goes limp. And at last, nothingness. Thatโ€™s it...hope you like it Morganโ™ฅ๏ธ