
5 years ago
XD ME WHEN I TRU TO DO NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS YEAH I FAIL MOST OF THE TIME 😂😂😂😂 SAY HI TO FLOBBB XD CREDITS TO ORIGINAL OWNER. I think the artist is Relatable Doodles Question of the hour: favorite book and describe your perfect day? I


5 years ago
Omg YASSS. Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus and my perfect day is playing video games and using recolor all day Lol

The artist

5 years ago
Harry Potter and watching pritty little liars and lmao becuse im watching ur coloring


5 years ago
I looove Harry Potter and ALL of Rick Riordan s books because they are AWSOME


5 years ago
My perfect day would be me home alone with my cat and watching tv while it’s cold and rainy outside


5 years ago
My fav book is The Land Of Stories book 6 and my perfect day is being lazy


5 years ago
The white rabbit chronicles and watching anime


5 years ago
This is so funny!


5 years ago
My perfect day is basically everything going my way and my favorite book (series) is so far Harry Potter! But I still love Percy Jackson!


5 years ago
And also this is so FREAKiNG relatable!


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago
...let’s face the facts and come to terms, it’s time to realize, these goals are only merely hope we quickly leave behind, they’re lies lies lies lies liiiieeeesss...


5 years ago

SS fanatic

5 years ago
It’s between lunar chronicles or Percy Jackson and the Olympians for favorite books and for my perfect day staying at home all day and getting served whatever I want to eat or drink and an endless amount of books and tv shows also a few blankets...🤔

SS fanatic

5 years ago
Did I miss anything?

SS fanatic

5 years ago

Turtle Tiger🐯🐢

5 years ago
Ummmm my perfect day is a whole day with my friends and family at the beach!!!


5 years ago
Flobbb The lost hero me Leo kissing and being together!

🐍💚Lena Laufyson💚🐍

5 years ago
@DEMIGOD-INATOR 3000!!!❄️ saaaame Warriors and sleeping all day