Bucky Barnes

3 years ago


3 years ago
Awwwwwwim sorry they just look so cuuute!

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@ᏕภuꊰꊰլꂅᎳԾოᎵ No need to apologize fren!!Thank you!!

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Aww I’m so sad they were never together. Hopefully in Falcon and the Winter Soldier they’ll do something with Sam and Bucky.

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
@🥥ButterflyCoconutMilk 🥛🦋 🤣

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@🦋🥥ButterflyCoconutMilk🥛🦋 Lol thx

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 I got really ticked off when they didn't end up together so ya Sam and Bucky better be a couple in Falcon and Winter Soldier

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Yeah and supposedly according to Anthony Mackie that at the end of season two, they will be in “a very different situation” So that could be interpreted in the shippers of Sam and Buck favor.

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Sorry, he said season one.

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 *mischievously runs hands together*Wooo!Looks like Bucky might FINALLY be gay!

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Yeah and good thing to. We’re running out of Bucky ships!!

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 I know almost all the plausible Bucky ships have sunk!

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Well, good ones.

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 True,I keep seeing stuff that's a Wanda and Bucky ship WHY I MEAN THE AGE DIFFERENCE SERIOUSLY!!!

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Yeah, there are some weird ships. What’s the weirdest one you’ve seen or the weirdest one you can come up with on the spot.

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Mine would be Ebony Maw and Bucky. Haven’t seen that one but I’m sure someone’s like “Ah yes Buckony”

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 I swear this is why people from other fandoms think we're crazy

Bucky Barnes

3 years ago
@Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾 Idk the first thing I thought of was Pietro and Bruce😅I have seen Tony and Peter as a ship omg it's so disturbing

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago
Brietro. Yikes. Hmm. What about Steve and Drax.

Bucky Barnes Cat🐈🦾

3 years ago