
2 years ago
Hi y’all! I’m not missing, here’s a post to prove it. I’ve been studying all the amazing artists here and trying to imitate stuff, so I’ve been shifting a lot of how I shade. My shading process is just constantly changing as I keep figuring stuff out. Anyway, almost the end of the school year (for me)! Still have some finals and end of year stuff, but we’re almost there. Thanks for everything, guys, have a wonderful day/night! 💙💜🖤


2 years ago


2 years ago
@SpecialK thank you!

Dee Van

2 years ago
Good luck in school


2 years ago
@Dee Van thanks so much!


2 years ago
Your getting. Better don’t give up!@⭐️🌋halesofbay⛲️⭐️


2 years ago
@asthetic girl thank you so much :)


2 years ago
She’s gorgeous 💙


2 years ago
@vorghy thank you!


2 years ago
Excellent. How do you shade? I can’t figure it out other than with the crayon and it looks silly. Do you use another app to shade?


2 years ago
@Jan&JJ Thanks! To be honest, I’m really not an expert, most of my learning has been taking inspiration from other talented artists on here. But yep, I try my hardest to shade with the crayons on here. I think a main starting out tip is to take white and make a streak over your skin color, then take the paler skin color (since usually you don’t want plain white) from that and highlight the bridge of the nose, middle of the forehead, middle of chin, and cheekbones. Then, using a brown or —->


2 years ago
@Jan&JJ brown or tan color, do the same streaky thing over the skin so that you get a bit of a light brown. Take that brown and do the sides of the nose, under the cheekbones, the neck, and for good measure just around the outline of the face. At this point, you might’ve done a good job and that would be it! But if you’re like me, you did a terrible job and have to blend it a bunch more because everything is too bold and bright or too contrasting and dark. Anyway, to blend things in to make —>


2 years ago
@Jan&JJ (sorry this is getting really long) to make it somewhat more natural, I think the best thing to do is to take the original skin tone or surrounding skin tone and just go over those edges or borders of darker/light color. Usually this works best when you zoom out. So take the normal color, zoom out, and blend. That should be it, you can keep blending or add more highlights or shadows. And once you get the hang of that, you can look at other pictures and artists and figure out more —>


2 years ago
@Jan&JJ out more specifics or try to get as realistic as possible! I’m still trying to do this myself, learning to shade has been a super fun experience. I checked out your gallery, and I actually used to color pictures really similarly (brights colors and gradients and such, I had a lot of fun with that, but long story short I lost my gradients so I learned to shade to make up for them). I think the more you just practice, the better you can get! And one of the best things to do is to look—>


2 years ago
@Jan&JJ at others’ pictures and try to learn from everything. You can only get better. I hope this helped you somewhat!! You got this :)


2 years ago
She looks absolutely Amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏


2 years ago
@mimaa thank you so much!!

Carrie 🐈🌸🐾📚💙🌊

2 years ago


2 years ago
@Carrie 🐈🌸🐾📚💜 thank you!!


2 years ago
I’ve been trying to learn how to shade by watching others too. It’s pretty hard for me, but seems like you got it down. I’m very excited for summer vacation, I hope you are too! 💙