Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
Gonna go get my first filling😬😬


5 years ago
Beautifully done


5 years ago


5 years ago
wow @Twenty One at the Disco I like it...and I'm so sorry about the filling. I've never had one but if it makes you feel any better (though it probably won't because they're two different things) - I have braces and whenever the doctor adjusts them I can't eat anything for a week. only applesauce and soft noodles and broth and sometimes the noodles feel too "hard" and hurt my teeth. I hope ur tooth feels better soon, though 😊✨😊


5 years ago
Can u like all my pics please


5 years ago
CRAZY GORGEOUS!!! Ty for liking my work! I enjoyed exploring your gallery, I'm following you bc I can't wait to see what gorgeous unique piece you're going to post next! You're welcome to come check out my gallery again & follow if you enjoy it! I recommend starting with my oldest pieces then working to the newest, it's my favorite way to explore an artists gallery bc you can watch their work evolve as they do :) Ty again for liking my work and visiting my gallery !!!

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 thank you I hope so too and same braces suck I hate them. After the filling I couldn’t feel my mouth for three hours they had to put extra numbing stuff cause I could feel him drilling out the cavity then they got me high on pain meds and I went back to school which sucked even more


5 years ago
oh np😊 I do hate when u have to go back to school after being annoyed and in pain, though @Twenty One at the Disco 😒😒


5 years ago
have u had braces b4 @Twenty One at the Disco

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 I have them now and I hate them they always stab me in the cheek and while my mouth was numb I accidentally bit my cheek a lot now it’s sore and all swollen cause a wire kept poking me


5 years ago
aww ikr. I feel ur pain... literally @Twenty One at the Disco . i just use the wax the orthodontist gave me to cover up the wires and hooks that poke me. I've had mine for a year and will have them for another two years. I have a lot of tooth Gaps so that'll take awhile to fix. braces put a whole new meaning to pain comes with beauty😒

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 ik what you mean by pain means beauty with braces I only have min on for about five months more but I lost my wax like last year and always forget to get a new one so I’m stuck with wires poking me all the time


5 years ago
oh... that's nice jk @Twenty One at the Disco


5 years ago
@Twenty One at the Disco after my braces are off I'm going to throw myself a party with all the food that I can't eat now with braces, like popcorn and hard candies LOL🎉🎉🎉

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 lol I already eat all the stuff I can’t have so that party wouldn’t be of much use😂


5 years ago
lol @Twenty One at the Disco ohh so u rebel😂 I would eat that but my orthodontist would kill me. He's a perfectionist and wants everything to be clean, orderly and according to rule

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 lol my orthodontist either doesn’t know that I eat that stuff or doesn’t care so I eat everything except taffy cause I don’t really like that with braces


5 years ago
oh lol @Twenty One at the Disco ur Orthodontist sounds fun. yeah I don't eat Taffy either or gum... I literally have a bag full of gumballs that I can't eat. I'm waiting for my braces to come off to eat them. Whenever my siblings eat gum, I get so jealous😂

Twenty One at the Disco

5 years ago
@freedancer02 they are pretty cool cause they give you ice cream after and I eat gum all the time so I can’t relate😂 and that sucks I remember one year I wanted gum so bad I put it on my Christmas list and got like four bags of gum then I got braces like a month after so I had to eat gum all the time before so I wouldn’t want it when I had my braces


5 years ago
lol same @Twenty One at the Disco I can relate