
4 years ago
@Song Danflower Because I'm a Christian and Christians believe you should only pray to one God.


4 years ago
@Song Danflower Yes, and I do honor the saints but I also believe that everyone who is a Christian is a saint. Also it just seems odd to pray to a saint, I'd rather pray to God.


4 years ago
We don't pray TO saints, we ask them to intercede for us with God


4 years ago
Saints are like our best friends in heaven, and St. Philomena is my BFF in heaven


4 years ago


4 years ago
@Song Danflower But why??? I just don't understand why saints would need to intercede for the everpresent God.


4 years ago
@Song Danflower 😂Idk, can we stop arguing? We have our own opinions, let's keep it that way.


4 years ago
OK.... this will take a while to type but you are definitely worth it...


4 years ago
@Song Danflower Okay.....


4 years ago
If you were a poor person, and you found a perfect Apple or something and wanted to give it to the king in exchange for a favor, but you were afraid he would get angry. You wouldn't go straight to the king. you would go to some one who the king greatly loved, who maybe had even done something great for him. that person would clean it, put it in a beautiful basket, and bring it to the king and present your petition. Since the king loved that person, he would take it and grant your with, much more


4 years ago
than if you had just given it to him yourself


4 years ago
it makes sense


4 years ago
@Song Danflower Okay. For one, God will NEVER get angry at his children. And we don't need saints to give it to him. And God loves everyone, not just saints. I appreciate it but I believe God loves us so so much he will spend as much time with us as we need! That's the good news!!


4 years ago
@Song Danflower Doesn't THAT make sense? Don't you believe God loves us so much he sent his only son to die for us!!??????


4 years ago
Yes it does, of course


4 years ago
@Song Danflower so why do u believe otherwise.


4 years ago
But do you really expect Him to do all that, and, after all our ungratefulness, let us into heaven without any kind of retribution?


4 years ago
And why do you think we don't need Saints


4 years ago
Haven't you ever heard St. Therese's famous quote: After my death I will shower down roses from heaven?


4 years ago
OK, OK I will stop. I don't want to lose a friend. I just like you too much to let you believe in all that novusordo ____ without even trying.... sorry