
4 years ago
bambooffiti 🖤 much love my friends! 🤗😘

🎃°Solis & Logan Meyer°🎃

4 years ago


4 years ago
Gorgeous coloring! Love the bamboo 🎋💕


4 years ago
This is remarkable, is this one of your photographs? 🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿


4 years ago
thank you so much!🖤🤗@Solis Jens-Meyer {Athena} @🖌 🎨 JellyCat 🎨 🖌


4 years ago
thank you so much @Valentine! yes, i forgot to say photography by me! i’ve got another plant graffiti to color. we went to see my brother and we went all kinda places (i’m a bit tired lol 😴)


4 years ago
also, i accidentally poured boiling water over my hand yesterday...any advice for burn treatment is welcome! i kept it in cold water, took a bunch of advil, used a topical with lidocaine, and am going between a brew of tea tree + witch hazel + vitamin e + alcohol and aloe. stupid clumsy me 😬 oops


4 years ago
I am so sorry to hear about your accident, I burned my hand once by picking up a pan I had forgotten was recently in the oven. I wonder if Neosporin w/pain relief may help, if it blisters you may need to see a doctor, I wish you relief and very speedy healing! 🤕🤕🤕


4 years ago
thank you! i am surviving on my selfdoctoring lol the girls wanted me to send a picture to my boss and take more time off work “due to the plague” but i’m toughing it out okay. i dreaded to see my email inbox if i’m off too long 😬 😂 @Valentine


4 years ago
Hey Mee!! next time put Cocoa butter on that burn! Love this recolor by the way. It's definitely your style 😍


4 years ago
Miss you, hope you are well! 🌷🌷🌷


4 years ago
I didn’t know this was a thing! Very cool!


4 years ago
Oh my goodness!! I’ve never heard of bamboofiti - but I think it’s so brilliant!! Love this!!😀❤️👏❤️😘 I hope you are doing well & I know I haven’t been around, but I want to thank you for all the kindness & support you’ve given me!!🤗🤗🤗❤️ Take care & stay strong!!🤗❤️😘


4 years ago
Unfollowing just so I can manage better here. I think I have your email but my “stay in touch” skills aren’t great these days. So if you emerge here, comment any of my pics. And I’ll probably be on hiatus 😂😂😂


4 years ago
Hope you are well, drop by and say hi when you can. 🌷🌷🌷


4 years ago
hello my friend! ☀️ 🤗 🌺 time snuck past i didn’t realize how long it’d been <sigh> have any rc updates given a dark option so the app’s background is black instead of white? it’s hard for my poor head. i’ve just been working too much and playing jigsaw puzzles when i can. life keeps trying to throw me sideways but i’m rolling with it best i can. how have you been? i was thinking of you...our library does a winter challenge for adults with a coffee mug if you read 5 books in 2 months 😻 @Valentine


4 years ago
I’m not aware of a dark option on RC, but personally on my iPad I turn on the Night Shift under the display settings, it tones down the brightness quite a bit, otherwise I get a headache. Phones probably have a similar setting. I’m fine, reading lots, I would have crushed that five books in two months challenge. 🤣🤣🤣


4 years ago
I’m sorry to hear you’re having to work so much, doing jigsaws sounds like a lovely way to get some downtime. I have a gorgeous round jigsaw in my closet somewhere that I never started, but maybe soon. I hope you get some relief soon, and good things come to you this year. Feel free to pop in when you can. I’m usually only on during the weekends these days, as real life is keeping me busy too. 🌷🌷🌷


4 years ago
i usually keep the brightness down but just checked and it had turned it up on its own...lovely smartphone 🙄 😂 i’m so glad to hear you’re doing well! i’m on book three and have several more in the car...including one you recommended a while back Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore @Valentine ☀️ i’m stuck on Jack Reacher books at the moment but am excited to read it soon


4 years ago
one of my exes decided to pop up (it’s been almost four years since i heard from him and my youngest hasn’t seen him since she was one) and it kicked in my pesky ptsd...for some reason Lee Child’s books have been agreeing with me @Valentine . i’m starting to import pics of the puzzles i’ve been doing and hope to post one soon