
3 years ago
Heyy I found you again! I used to be “thefallenwolf” I think lol if you remember me I decided to come back :)!

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
I remember thefallenwolf and your name now lol, good to see you! How've you been, I'm glad you're back. It's always nice hearing from people I know on here since I left and don't know anybody anymore @CrimsonCarbon


3 years ago
I’ve been good! How are you these days? I’m surprised your still around after all this time 😂 but I’m glad I hardly know anyone either

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
I'm alright, I started college in August and I'm out for the break right now. I'm in a complicated relationship so I stay stressed though. But I'm still good lol. I'm surprised too to be honest, I started on July 10th, 2017 and still have this damn app 😂 @CrimsonCarbon


3 years ago
Yooo the dedication nice bro 🤣 good to hear you’re good hope things with the relationship get better 👍 and niceee college, hope things are good and all with the whole pandemic going around 😫

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
Appreciate that lmao. I hope so too, it's not too bad though. The girl's crazy but I love her lol. She's my ex, but also my girlfriend, but also she has another boyfriend so yeah, it's complicated af 🤣 The pandemic has effected a lot, but not really anything on my part besides certain classes only being online and stuff @CrimsonCarbon

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
Hey there, it has been a while. And you're right, I'm in a completely different stage of life compared to where I was. It's good to hear from you! How've you been? @Alive

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
Hell nah, your boyfriend should want you around most of the time lmao. I know I like to keep my lady friends around 🤷🏻‍♂️. I've also dealt with a lot of crazy bitches that start drama, just try to avoid em the best you can. And I've been alright. My ex left me in January and I still am a little pissed off about that whole situation but whatever. I've been out of town recently and staying high as hell tbh. I'm back at the college now, but as of right now I'm still stoned 😂

Christian Keathley

3 years ago

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
That's still weird, I prefer to be around my girlfriends. I'm a loner too, but when I love somebody all I want is to be there for them. They should give you purpose. I don't get much sleep as it is and have no problem staying up on the phone or sum. Being clingy can be nice sometimes, makes me feel appreciated at least. And college is alright, I'm a little worried about one class. I haven't got to really meet new people face to face or make friends because of covid, but I have been taking

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
hybrid classes, which means online and in person. Both this semester and last semester only 1 professor decided to make their class in person though so it's mainly been through Zoom. Can't say I really like this college experience, but it's whatever. I'm really not sure where my life will take me anyways so for all I know I'm wasting these years of my life. It'll please my family though @Alive

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
I'll try to keep my opinion to myself the best I can, but what you describe sounds like a bad relationship. It reminds me of one of mine. I was in love with a girl, but she also liked a lot of space. I gave her everything she asked but in the end she told me she didn't have the same feelings for me anymore and left. Then a few days later she acted like she hated me. If you want somebody to want to spend more time with you then that's not the kind of relationship you want. You should be with

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
somebody that gives back everything you put in. You shouldn't settle for anything. If you're not happy then that's not okay. It should be addressed and he should understand that's who you are. If not then that's not love, he should accept you for you and never try to change anything about you. @Alive

Christian Keathley

3 years ago
Glad to hear things are getting better and that he's starting to appreciate the little things. That makes me happier to hear. A relationship isn't just about love, it's also a choice to stay and grow together. You got a good head on your shoulders. I'm 19, 20 later this year in October and I still talk to someone toxic. I'm not dating her anymore, but I still sadly love her even though she treats me wrong. I keep her in my life because that's all I know. Over 3 years I've been with her @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
You're fine and I appreciate that. I actually stopped hearing from her right before I came home from college and I don't plan to talk to her again even if she hits me up because of that. Plus it looks like she has some boys trying to hunt me down. 5 people and her new boyfriend rolled up to the store the other night looking like they were looking for me but my buddy went in and I was in my truck @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
You can do it, it's not that hard. I was the same way, people always put me below my sister and treated me like I could never be as good as her. I showed everybody I could do whatever I want and still handle my business. I even graduated valedictorian even though I barely went to school and when I did I'd show up drunk or high in the mornings. I always stayed on top of everything @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
Dang. I hate to say it, but I knew that would happen. It didn't sound like he was ready for a relationship from everything you already told me. I might be saying this too late, but oh well. You can wait for the boy if you like but don't be afraid to move on if someone else comes around. I wish I never waited on the girl I was with because she only got worse as a person @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
Same here, I stopped talking to my ex and I've been happy af and feeling like my old self. I just got my income tax back, plus I'm going back to work until I have to go back to the college in August @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
It's always nice to feel like yourself. I've never liked the older guy talking to the younger girl thing. I think 3 or 4 years should be max. Any more gets disgusting in my opinion and turns more into pedophilia. Like a 16 year old with a 24 year old. I don't like it at all. That 24 year old knows that the 16 year old isn't on the same level of life and takes advantage of and uses them. I even notice being almost 20 that a lot of people aren't as mature as I'd like @Alive

Christian Keathley

2 years ago
4 and a half isn't that bad to me, but yeah it's iffy because y'all will react different to certain things as y'all learn more about life. I'm actually trying to talk to someone new myself and she's 4 years younger. Happy birthday in case I don't get back on here until after. @Alive