black spirit{s

4 years ago
Ugh, I’m in love with this artist. 💕 It’s @curisaris On Instagram. Is anyone else like bored as heck? My shcool got shut down like many other schools. I literally ran out of drawing paper....I painted everything That I could paint in my room...Amazon was suppose to drop off my craft I got but it back tracked and is now coming tomorrow 😤. I’ve also been stealing my brothers manga. Yugioh kinda slaps y’all.... not gonna lie.

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@Derpyicasis he only has a few. He has a lot of like 1970-90’s manga and early 2000’s. So there is a lot of Totally new manga to me. I’m planning on buying the box set of full metal when my birthday comes along. I always spend all my birthday cash on manga box sets hahah. Who needs gas money???


4 years ago
I’m homeschooled so welcome to my life :)

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) I used to wish for homeschool...but like in 8th grade I was in a hospital for like four months and it was basically homeschool and I never took my public school for granted agin.

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@Derpyicasis I keep starting manga series that are like 30 books long......and then struggling to get those books and all of the millions of short series manga I want to get. I gave myself a systems of i have to get a few books of my current series and then I buy one book or short series that are like five or three books long.


4 years ago
I’ve been homeschooled my whole life and my mom said I could do public school next year and I said no way 😂

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) really?? Why? I’m honestly like against homeschool. Unless they HAVE to be homeschooled. Or they have religious reasons.


4 years ago
Well I did go to preschool and it was kinda like kindergarten so I was ahead at the time, and it’s all I really know and public school seems kinda scary 😂😂

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) nah, like you will hate it for a week and then it will be whatever. It’s like when people go from elementary to middle school or middle to highschool. It’s like “OMG SO SCARY IM GONNA GET LOST AND DIE” and then everyone dreads it for a week....then it’s just like “whatever”. Unless the shcools around you suck with handling the bad kids and you got bullied and stuff. But, it’s super easy to switch back to homeschool. So if you do run into that then you can just plop back.

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) it's surprisingly easy to talk to people to. A lot of people will talk to you when your new or interesting looking. They try you out 😂 and if you don't fit into there group they jsut slowly shove you Away ****.

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@Derpyicasis yeah I found myself buying all new books as I slowly get farther and farther away form others series


4 years ago
Well its a bit more complicated than that, I take a bunch of classes and stuff so I do have friends, and also I am starting high school next year so that would be even scarier XD


4 years ago
Me: *runs out of drawing papers* Also me: *looks at walls* Also also meh: hello, drawing paper... And yeah, I’ll check out their art! And my schools been closed so I’m BORRREDDD

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) a lot of people think highsoeolers are worse. But you will soon realize they are all dead and inside and hooked on coffee. 😂 everyone realizes that nobody cares, and they don’t care either.

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@GeekyBagelGirl ugh I wish. My mom would turn up a storm if I even got a little bit of marker on my wall.


4 years ago
I mean I already don’t fit in with the girls my age at church so school might be even worse XD It’s okay though I like where I am rn

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) church girls at my school I swear all have the same personality and hair style......they are probably the only people that people will bully in my school

black spirit{s

4 years ago
@🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) and....its kind of funny ngl... 🤭


4 years ago
They all have the same personality I think too... at my church they all wear the same clothes and shoes and tons of makeup and they all look perfect and then there’s me who sticks out like a sore thumb... they thought I was 11 :,)


4 years ago
@black spirit{s lol yeah my mom once flipped bc I got pencil marks on the wall hahah @🍪COOK!E QUEEN🍪(5) I WISH I WAS HOMESCHOOLED PUBLIC SCHOOL HAS TOO MANY JUDGY PPL