đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
I’m so tired of people. Idk how much more of this I can take like seriously. I miss it when things weren’t so f’d up. I miss my friends I had before they changed because of some outsider... I’m tired of my business being told to strangers that don’t need to know anything about me unless I want them to... I’m just awfully disgusted with how things are. But I guess it’s just time to forget some people especially when they never cared in the first place...

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
i always cared. i still do. but whos the only one thays there for me? no matter what? that "outsider". you ever think that maybe, just maybe, some things that help most people only work for MOST? That there are some people who are better left alone? you ever think that maybe id be really happy, anf things would be truly better if something wouldn't have happened? but something happened. you told. thank you so much, hannah. im serious, thank you. because you telling is the reason im not better

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Well guess what... I have a reason to be angry at you. I understand you didn’t want anyone to tell about your so called “garbage life” by I’m trying to help you. Telling someone was the best thing I could do for you and if the outsider actually cared for you he would have told someone too.... a single person can’t make you feel better. You have to take actual actions to get better instead of relying on others. Why don’t you actually start trying for once and maybe you’ll get better. @*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* >‱<

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
But whatever you never listened to me in the first place so what the hell doesn’t matter anymore.... this is all your fault I hope you know... don’t EVER contact me again because I’m tired of this shit...

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
I was the one who was there for you no matter what and then you threw me into a fucking ditch....

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
i understand that you're trying tto help me. but you didnt. a single person cant make me feel better? wow. oky. so tell me why everything goes away the second i see him. how he makes everything better. tell me. you really don't understand, i AM tryong. ive been trying for so long. ans things were getting better until you went and"tried" to help. yeah. ik its my fault. everything is. so thanks for that. i didn't throw you into a ditch. you walked there on your own. and im gonna do what i want.

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
dont tell me what to do

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
also, telling someone wasn't the best thing you could do. the best thing you could do was be there for me. check up on me every once in a while. let me know youre there if i need to talk. let me know i can trust you with anything. the best thing you couldve done was be my friend. none if that happened though, did it? you know who did that instead? that outsider. it pisses me off how you think im not trying. you have no fucking idea

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
idek what the point is in talking to you anymore. youre not gonna listen. knowing you you wont even read all this. just gonna hide away and bitch about everything instead of talking. its fine though, whatever

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Didn’t I say to stop contacting me?? I’m tired of your shit. You’re so blind... you’ve changed so much and I’m not the only one who thinks so... ever since you’d farted hanging around him cuz we all apparently hated you you changed A LOT. And tf? I’ve always listened to you and what you’ve told me your the one who doesn’t listen. You want help so damn bad but when it comes your way you don’t take it.

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
I was there for you and I was being your friend I’m sorry I was hurting so bad to the point I couldn’t help a single person. I’ve always been there for you and I’ve always cared more than anyone else EVER. You can believe me or not idc but I’ve always cared for you more than anyone else in this whole damn world and that’s why I did what I did. I’d rather you be pissed at me for doing that than you end up dead one day and me think I didn’t do a single thing to help you.... everyone says I’ve done

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
The right thing and I believe I have too....and it doesn’t seem like your trying at all because if you were I feel like you would be way better rn than how you have been. I don’t know how to open your eyes and make you see that there isn’t a single thing wrong With you and whoever makes you believe so is a fucking dumb ass. I was just trying to fucking help you and this is the shit I get. I’ve helped you for so god damn long and idk how much more of it I can take because you don’t listen to a

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Single thing I say. I’m sorry I told okay but that’s what had to be done. And I know that you know deep down somewhere in the pit of your “shattered heart” that you know it was the right thing for me to do INSTEAD OF YOU DYING ON ME. I can’t fucking lose you and here we are huh? I barely checked on you anymore because I was dealing with my own awful shit and I didn’t really need all your stuff weighing me down too. I know you needed someone at that time and I’m sorry I wasn’t there but I had to

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Take care of myself first before I could take care of you.... because if I didn’t I wouldn’t fucking be here rn... I mean maybe if I wasn’t here non of this dumb shit wouldn’t be happening.... but that’s not the point. I know your extremely pissed at me. Ik ur still hurting on the inside when you’re also happy when your with him... I’m glad there’s someone out there that makes you happy instead of me... I couldn’t ever make you happy in the first place is what it seems like.... I’m sorry for all

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
This dumb shit.... you prolly won’t forgive for a long time but as long as I help in some way I’m glad I did what I did @*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* >‱<

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
youre not sorry. stop throwing that word around. if you were sorry, it means if you had the chance, youd undo it. and you wouldnt. ik you had your own shit to deal with, i respect that. i just... idk. idc how bad of a place im in, ill still ask if people are okay and try to help them. guess thats just me. yoire getting shit for tryong to help because i trusted you. you knew what would happen if you told. i. trusted. you. ever since we broke up things between us have been so different

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
i needed a friend. even if i wasn't putting my shit on you, i needed a friend. someone to have a light conversation with. someone to laugh with. but you werent there at all. you did make me happy. yeah i changed, but you people need to suck it up and realize that no one stays the same forever. people change, thats the way it is.

*rñƄdĂžm! Ă«x!stęnçĂȘ* đŸȘ

4 years ago
honest to god, if i could go back in time i wouldn't have dated you. bc yeah you made me happy and whatever, but it seems like thats where things started to fall apart.

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Don’t tell me I’m not sorry because I AM SORRY. Just because I don’t wanna take back what I did doesn’t mean I’m not sorry. I’m sorry you’re angry at me for trying to help. Ik it’s been different... I didn’t realize I fucking wanted you so bad until I broke up with you... but then you didn’t want to give me a second chance. But you gave him a second chance? After he’s still hung up on me?? I’m not just throwing the word sorry around im genuinely sorry... if you don’t wanna believe that that’s

đŸ€đŸ–€ThatDumbBi-tch đŸ–€đŸ€

4 years ago
Your own damn fault... ever time I think of the past you come into my mind and I regret EVER breaking up with you. And I miss being with you but I’ve fucked that shut up beyond repair now.... you know what I admit I was mad at you for a reason but it was absolutely stupid... I got to a point where I thought you didn’t care about me because of someone getting into my head. I know you cared idk about now, but I know you used to but I got blinded by someone else showing me stuff that probably didnt