
4 years ago
♡♡♡ Group: Stray Kids Member: Bang Chan ♡♡♡ Finally its Contest Time!!!🥳😁❤ This is a celebratory Contest and I'd like everyone to have fun and enjoy!!This will consist of 4 rounds plus Auditions!


4 years ago
~Contest Details~ There will be two eliminations each round, if you don't have your entry finished on time you will be automatically eliminated. I apologize in advance I don't mean to hurt anyones feelings!😖🙏 Each Round will have different themes and each round your entry will be based on that theme of my choice.


4 years ago
Audition and Round 1 themes will be revealed but the rest of the rounds will be a mystery. For each round every contestant will have about 1 week to finish their entries. That's it I hope we all have fun!❤


4 years ago
♡♡♡ ~Round Details~ Audition: Anything! (something to show of your style) Round 1: Fanarts (of any type) Round 2:❔🔒🗝 Round 3:❔🔒🗝 Final Round:❔🔒🗝 ♡♡♡


4 years ago
~Rules~ ◇ 1 pic per person, per round! ◇ Must be fully colored! ◇ Must follow the theme of choice! ◇ Play Nice! ◇ Try Your Best! ◇ Have Fun! ♡♡♡ Due Date for Auditions:July 14, 2019 This is my first official Contest I'm holding! I'm doing this based on other contests I've been in or have seen. If this is missing anything please tell me so next time I can fix! Thank You! Oh also please tag me in your entry!🙏 ♡♡♡


4 years ago
You may now comment!😁😁😁❤❤❤🥳🥳🥳


4 years ago
I’ll join


4 years ago
@☃︎‣︎𝚂𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐HᎾᎬ𝚢𝚘︎‣︎☃︎ Thank You!!!❤ @.ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴᴀʀᴛs.🌻 Thank You for joining I hope it's not to stressful for you!😖🙏❤


4 years ago
@.ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴᴀʀᴛs.🌻 Okie Thank You very much!!!😖🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤ this is my first time holding a contest so I dont know how it'll turn out😅


4 years ago
@♡Angel_Wolf♡ I’ll join 🥰💜


4 years ago
@🖤BtS/GiRl/Rm/TaEkOoK🏳️‍🌈 Thank You!! and just to make sure its auditions going on right now sorry if its confusing!😖👍❤


4 years ago
@💜🌹Krystal Rose🌹💜 Thank You!😁❤ @🖤BtS/GiRl/Rm/TaEkOoK🏳️‍🌈 Wait now I'm confused😅

Deleted account

4 years ago
I'll Join


4 years ago
@🖤BtS/GiRl/Rm/TaEkOoK🏳️‍🌈 😂😂😂


4 years ago
@✌💜Faith💜✌ Kk Thanks for joining!


4 years ago
@Ice Panda Thank You!!!❤


4 years ago
@✨💫Kookie_Dreams💫✨contest Thank you for joining!!😁


4 years ago
Ill join


4 years ago
Ok I'm In!! Can I enter my newest post of Jimin please! I'm really proud of it since it took me 3 hours to do!😂😂💜


4 years ago
@BlinkØnce4Army CONTEST Thank You!!! @PERSONA Of Course you can!! Ty for joining!^^❤