
3 years ago
@Yin&Yang Thank you, Yin&Yang, that’s an awesome comment!


3 years ago
@Carrie 🐈🌸🐾📚💜 Thank you, my talented friend!


3 years ago
@Chuli ✨ Thank you so much, Chuli! You leave me the nicest compliments. I do love UFO and space-y stuff, lol!


3 years ago
@Bobkat Thank you, my talented friend! I’m glad you find it “awesome.”


3 years ago
@PhotoFirePoet (Jenny) Thank you, Jenny, am glad you like it and I appreciate the comment regarding my new profile pic. My other was over 15 years old, taken in Mexico when I disembarked off that cruise ship in the background, hair tucked under my cowboy hat. This one is more recent, a year ago, after moving back into my house 5 months after a major fire in the attic, So, a selfie in my new bedroom. Thank you for taking the time to comment!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


3 years ago


3 years ago
@Susan🎨🔥 Wow, thank you, Susan! Lol. I just thought this template screamed UFO at me, lol. I seem to have a fascination with abductions, lol... although I left a victim out of this one, lol. I did color an abduction some time back..THAT was a big deal to color as there was no background and it’s rather close up. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Susan, I apprecaite it greatly! ♥️♥️♥️

✝️ Dianne Selchert ✝️

3 years ago
I hear you! My alone time is in the morning because hubby sleeps in. He’s been disabled for a while, so,I worked, and every night came home to the mess he made during the day. Then zero alone time. Ever! So I love my mornings on Recolor and writing. You are an amazing friend! I love my hubby, don’t get me wrong. But I need alone time too!


3 years ago
@gram gram Well, then, you feel my pain, lol! My husband is working until he is 70, if he makes it...I feel a disablement coming his way as he has beat himself up terribly over the last 46 years of our marriage. Not surprising he has so many physical ailments but never complains and keeps on going. He’s an amazing artist and for all his life has been designing waterpark features all over the world, and other places...anywhere that a concrete sculpture is needed. His most recent ....


3 years ago
@gram gram ..of any national interest would be the honest bee exhibit at the Smithsonian in D.C. But


3 years ago
@gram gram oops..lol. But primarily he does work in waterparks, and was the head designer at the Schitterbahn in Texas for many years. A lot of work for Disney as well as the Believe It or Not museums, and mini golf courses all over. For the last 10 or so years he has worked for a Fountain company heading up a division which has nothing to do with fountains..but they are a large company having done all the fountains at the Bellagio in Vegas and countless other things. My work sucks next to his!

✝️ Dianne Selchert ✝️

3 years ago
Oh my!! Btw, our city is building an Olympic type water park just a few blocks from where I live. I’m seriously thinking I might go play when it’s all done. Just have to get over what the ravages of time have done to my body! Sounds like you got a good one, too! I’m referring to,your hubby!


3 years ago
@gram gram Ooops again, lol. NOT the “honest” bee exhibit but the HONEY BEE exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute, lol. Gee whiz...I don’t proofread well anymore!

✝️ Dianne Selchert ✝️

3 years ago
I just looked it up at the Smithsonian. I’m going to TRY to color it. You know how inept I am at imports....but I’m gonna try, the operative word here is “try.”


3 years ago
@gram gram What a grand idea, I should do the same with some of the pictures I have of his work...much of it is amazing!


3 years ago
@gram gram And I will say this, that bee exhibit is the least of what he’s done....Last summer, we all built a waterfall and slide at his brother’s backyard pool...it’s over 15 feet high...slide goes through a “mountain” and you have to slide through the waterfall. This project cost $3000 in materials, took us from February to June to finish it and would have cost $120,000 if he’d been hired through his company to create it. Needless to say, it is very labor intensive work, and crippling, lol.


3 years ago
Magnificently crafted art piece 👏🏼💯💕💕💕

Lisa Mays

3 years ago


3 years ago
Wow, this is beauti--ful my sweet daughter. Your blues Reds, & green are fabulous. Love your lovely sky too & your tower, just fantastic. I wanted you to know I've been wanting to comment on your last text to me but just haven't had the time as I have quite a lot to say. Ha ha. Anyway, I love Christmas & I used to make couch pillows with Christmas decorations on them for my kids and tree skirits & Penny & I would paint Christmas molds already fired and made. I painted Christmas trees, snowmen,


3 years ago
& all kinds of other decorations. No more tho. I'm so glad Gentry is doing well, it sounds like he is a very smart fellow. That was quite an honor for him to travel internationally with his Drum Corp. Its so hard on them when they are young & other kids make fun of them. Which is terrible. Your ranch sounds awesome & being in the family that many years. That's wonderful you all wanted to keep it in the family. Wow, way back in the 1800's that is just amazing. Gee, we have German blood in us