
3 years ago
@tcrain 🇺🇸🇲🇹 So at his most recent follow up appt with the ortho, they decided to get some more images and sure enough, in the 8 months since his first images his hip has completely deteriorated to bone against bone and the ortho was shocked at the rapid progression since March. Good news is he doesn’t need spine surgery! *happy dance*. Total hip replacement Jan 6, one night in the hospital, then home and then thank goodness the road to recovery. Could not be happier! Wow things turn around fast!


3 years ago
@Yin&Yang That is so kind of you Y&Y, thank you. He is making a remarkable recover and the drs increased his chance of complete recovery from 70% to 95%, so it was all quite miraculous and we are humbly grateful! I appreciate your kind words!


3 years ago
@Sheryl&WillyMike♏️💑 Hey Sheryl!! Wow, long time no see, and how wonderful to see you you!! Welcome back. You’re sure right about the “right doctor”, so hard to find these days. I hope you guys have been safe through all this madness of 2020 and remain so! Hopefully we’ll each find some color time, also hard to find these days, lol! Thanks for popping in, my friend, and again, welcome back!


3 years ago
@🌹🌹🤎GiGi RoSe🤎🌹🌹 GiGi, thank you dear one, really sweet of you to say...we are glad he made it, too, age 19 is too young for such troubles...but he is so good and I believe back in his remote college classes, unbelievable to me. But it makes me giggle! 😁😍


3 years ago
@gram gram @MamaClaire @mimaa Dearest gram, Mom, and mimaa, you three gentle ladies I have on such high pedestals because your love and kindness just rains on us all here in Recolor Land. Your prayers, our prayers were heard and I am so grateful to God for hearing and answering back and for all of your for the assist!!! I can’t really thank you or anyone here enough for thinking about us and keeping us in your prayers. Thank you a million times over and over! 💐❤️💐❤️💐❤️💐❤️💐❤️💐❤️♥️💐


3 years ago
@Jstamre🕊🎨🧡 Thank you so so much Jstamre, and it has worked out and I am so thankful to you and each person who’ve left me such a kind though regarding our Easton. I sure appreciate you for it as well! ♥️♥️💐♥️♥️

tcrain 🇺🇸🇲🇹

3 years ago
Hi B....WOW....boy, you sure had/have a lot going on!!! I'd be reeling too! So happy about Easton, sorry to hear about your donkey and your friend who passed with covid (we had a friend pass reciently too of covid) I hope your niece has a speedy recovery. WOW..good news about hubs..!!!! How is it possible they assumed all this was coming from his spine when it was his deteriorated hip???? So scary...he could have gone through spinal surgery for nothing! Cont.....

tcrain 🇺🇸🇲🇹

3 years ago
Good for hubs to know his body and speak up!! I am glad, though, things are looking brighter my friend. All is well here. Family all decided to celebrate the holidays within our own households....to risky at this point and I am sure its not going to get better over the winter...so I have projects planned to keep busy...take care and again....VERY happy for you both!!


3 years ago

💚The Green Artisan💚

3 years ago
Wow...just read all this comments, so sorry for what you've been through but glad your nephew is recovering so well. Everything else is in God's hands as well. 🙏🏻

Suzi Q ✌️🌹🌹

3 years ago
B.👋 I’m happy to hear about the great news with your nephew👏 Prayers for a speedy recovery! 🙏🏻It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot right now...Sorry to hear about your Donkey 😢 I hope your niece is recovering well from COVID! So sorry for the loss of your friend. Sending prayers for you and your hubby with his hip replacement, one night in the hospital and then on the road to recovery. Yes 🙌 We lost our brother Oct. 25 due to COVID.. He got tested the day before and passed the next day! 😥


3 years ago
Beautifully done 💙💙💙So happy that your nephew is doing well 😊❤️

Suzi Q ✌️🌹🌹

3 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Stay safe!!! ❤️

Dee Van

3 years ago
How is your family?

Dee Van

3 years ago
What will the surgery do for your husband?


3 years ago
@🌳Brenavere🌳 So sorry to read this message. I hope and pray all is well. Miss you. Hope to see you back soon with good news for your nephew. Hugs 🙏🏻💙


3 years ago
Outstanding picture sorry you had to go through so much. Hopefully things will be better soon


3 years ago
@Melanie Thank you dear, life happens, things are better, hubby facing an important surgery on Dec 22, but we are excited for that. I thank you for your kind words!!!


3 years ago
@MicheleB🌿 You are the absolute sweetest girl, Michele. I’m not getting around too much on RC, not my choice! Lol It’s been a month now since Easton’s heart surgery.....man, already, time flies so fast it makes my head spin. But yes, it’s unbelievable how well he did and how fast he recovered and in a few weeks he will be medication free for the first time since he was, gosh, about 13...strong meds for such a youngster, he’s 19 now. We are excited, thank you for ur concern..Love to you!! ❤️❤️❤️


3 years ago
Prayers for successful surgery