
2 years ago
ok this is for a contest run by @🔆Solangelo💀 it's any pic but you can only use the pearl palate it was hard but i'm pretty proud of this! hope you like it (done)


2 years ago


2 years ago
@💖💜💙🏳️‍🌈Bisexual~Penguin🏳️‍🌈💙💜💖 IKR


2 years ago
oh my gosh I love her!! Great colouring!


2 years ago
I love it! 🧡


2 years ago
@💙N~A~N~A💙 SAME and tysm!!! @🔆Solangelo💀 :D yay!

terri <3

2 years ago
✨ Ginny! ✨


2 years ago
@KitKatGhostio ya! :D


2 years ago
hey lime- you mind if I vent...?


2 years ago
@°•Raven•° not at all rae


2 years ago you ever get that feeling where you think everyone is mad at you..? or theyre just faking their kindness towards you because they actually can’t stand you but are too nice to say so..? I feel like that’s happening...I won’t say who’s making me feel that way, but it’s not you, or Lucifer or lettuce. Or Eliza. Moving on. idk I guess I just feel really out of place, like I don’t really belong here, yk? (Limit)


2 years ago
it’s not like I feel forgotten, I just feel like people talk to me out of pity...and the second someone I know or me does smth wrong, the other persons true feelings come out...and I don’t want that, I don’t want to be pitied. I don’t want fake people. I’ve dealt with that already... so many people think I’m heartless and cold hearted and because of that, they think they can just hurt me verbally, or say anything cruel to me because I don’t get hurt by it...(limit)


2 years ago
but I was always a nice person...I just grew a shell- I was always picked on, and I gave up, I just decided that it was better to be cold hearted and emotionless. and it is sometimes...but it also isn't...idk I guess I never feel like I belong anywhere, like I'm an afterthought or just someone there on the side... thanks for letting me vent, I'm sorry it's prob so ridiculous...I'm sorry for all


2 years ago
@°•Raven•° rae it's not ridiculous bare with me, this might take some typing Yes, i know how you feel. and it makes sense. People build shells because they were hurt. If you can, you could try to tell this person how you feel. And you are NEVER an afterthought. you make so many peoples lives (including mine) better. and i am so so so sorry that people hurt you, i know i can't do anything about it, but i'm always here. and you still are a nice person, you just have a bit of an edge,which(space


2 years ago
@°•Raven•° is actually a good thing, we love you and i'm glad you told me. Again you don't have to but if you feel comfortable try to talk to this person. And ya i agree, being pitied sucks


2 years ago
i-um thanks lime...but I cant talk to them..I’m too defensive when I talk to them because of reasons. And they wouldn’t understand...they’d take it personally and then I’d hurt their I won’t say anything. but i like having an edge. and yeah it does stink...but it’s okay, I’ll get used to it...I-I’ve helped you before..? I always felt like I was a burden...I try to help one person, end up hurting’s fine tho. I’m fine.


2 years ago
@°•Raven•° that's ok. and it's good that you have an edge, it makes it harder for you to be taken advantage of and yes, the deal saved my life more times than i can count, i love talking with you, even slightly going feral on bucky for stupid reasons, it makes my day most of the time


2 years ago
@☀︎︎𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠☀︎︎ yeah...that’s why I have an edge...oh..really..? well I’m glad it helped...I love talking with you..aha yeah going feral is nice


2 years ago
@°•Raven•° yeah.. well i'm sure said person isn't faking it, you are amazing and helpful and kind, and it's impossible to not like you (unless your rc)


2 years ago
yeah, I know they aren’t faking it which is why I can’t say anything. Because I will genuinely upset them. Aw thanks...aha yeah they don’t like me :’)