Rowena Abott

5 years ago
Your name is funny.


5 years ago
@lalamadelyn yes, this is exactly how I feel! the thing is with the straight guy is no one really knows the details, which he has a right to enclose. Again, he's 19. almost every gay man has hit on a straight guy over the years, and just because he's a celeb doesn't make him any different. So yeah I'm not going to say too much but that is what I think.


5 years ago
Is that James Charles??

Queen 🐝

5 years ago
Bye sistersπŸ’”


5 years ago
should be a snake featured here instead of those other bugs lol

Marina's Baby

5 years ago


5 years ago
Even on here, James can’t catch a break πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


5 years ago
Beautifully done


5 years ago
I’m siding with Tati what James did was wrong and I have completely lost respect for him buh bye sister


5 years ago
I totally agree @Catqueen15grumpy


5 years ago
james charlessss?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!😁😁😁😁😁


5 years ago


5 years ago
@simple, he's been to Coachella many I'm times and doesn't need vitamins to bring him I to it, in fact he did it free of charge. and yes, it's because Tati's vitamins are recommend for those 21+, and the ones James adverstised are for 13+. Of course, as you said, mistakes are mistakes, and yes, he realized what he did was wrong and publically apologized for his actions. and I don't really think anyone can judge him, good or bad, because we aren't in his shoes, and don't know everything.


5 years ago
I will just end this here (: I'm moving on.


5 years ago
I don't know what to say tbh. like why would he think its okay to do that [catfish] just b cuz he's a celeb? and chose $MONEY$ over FRIENDSHIP??? fake sister!


5 years ago
I’m trying not to side with anyone but I’m leaning towards the side of Tati. I feel bad for James but the things Tati said. Oof she made good point. I have a lot of opinions about it....


5 years ago
@old_school a lot of people are siding with Tati actually, the things James did weren’t really okay, I’m not going to say anything because some stuff isn’t really age-appropriate and idk how old you are so imma keep this clean. Tati has supported James from the beginning James refused to β€œpromote” Tati’s vitamins and he promoted sugar bear hair instead (Tati’s rival brand) James tried to force sexuality upon younger boys (James identifies as gay) There is a lot more layers (not going to-


5 years ago
get into them right now)

🌺.Β°β—‹c h a n s o nβ—‹Β°.🌺

5 years ago
He deserves another chance. In his apology, he seems extremely sorry and seems to have learned. Yeah, he did some horrible stuff, but haven't we all? Hang in there, James.

🌺.Β°β—‹c h a n s o nβ—‹Β°.🌺

5 years ago
Then again, he was kind of a jerk when saying that 'he's a celebrity, he can do what he wants.' That's not okay, and being gay, he should know that you can't change someone's sexuality. The whole 'full-gay' he talked about when saying he liked transmen too was totally unacceptable. *Sigh* I don't know what to think or say. Everyone deserves a second chance, but they need to learn from the first one.