Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
So, me and a few others have started this #PanicCrew to help people who are having a panic attack or just need to talk to someone etc. anyways if you would like to join please let me know and i will ask the other founders. If you want to talk to one of us please let me know in the comments. And if you have any other questions don’t be afraid to ask. 😊

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
Disclaimer: users that are apart of the #PanicCrew are not professionals and are here to support you and be a person to talk to. If you or someone you know is at risk of commuting suicide please call the national suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or the suicide prevention hotline 1-800-SUICIDE

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
We are also not professionals qualified to help people with panic disorders

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago


3 years ago
Hi, i just wanted to say how i think, Actually I KNOW, this is a really amazing thing you are doing! mental health is soooo important! i myself have anxiety and it really has affected me as its really hard to explain how we feel, we know but how do we put it into word, you know what i mean? as my mum understands what i go through but at the same time she doesnt as she doesnt TRULY get how i feel...and i think it's great that you have all built a community


3 years ago
for everyone who will understand eachother...theres good days and theres bad days but its nice knowing there are people there for you, so thank you so much for this #panic crew you are helping to change lives so there is hopefully more of the good days :))

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: I’m glad that you found this community 😊 I used to have mild anxiety issues when I was younger (might still have some anxiety) so I can relate a little

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: if you ever need anything let me know


3 years ago
@Monarch 🦋 ive had times when i am a complete mess to the point when ive missed a week of school barely eaten and feel sick and worried sometimes not even knowing myself why, but it is mainly panic attacks my last bad one was when i was last at school we were doing some exams and it was physics and my mind just blanked out, you know that feeling when you look around and EVERYONE seems to get it then your sitting there feeling really stupid? thats how i felt...(to be continued)


3 years ago
and i started to panic, and i just started to cry hiding my face so no one would notice as i was embarassed, then my teacher started saying how we had 5 mins left and i just started hyperventilating as id answered 2 questions and yeah my mind was just ajajsjsjieowiwiwjjshsjsoeirjr, absolute ChAoS. I am an over achiever who is absolutely terrified of failure to the point where i just spiral, and my mind just goes a million mile an hour

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: I’ve had something similar happen to me


3 years ago
But yeah theres my problems on a plate😂 I'm doing good at the moment lockdown has helped me just sort through my mind and working on getting through it


3 years ago
@Monarch 🦋 really?

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: yeah, I had a really hard test where I couldn’t remember any answers and I basically freaked out silently at my desk.


3 years ago
im also a person who hates piling my issues onto others so temd to clam up, as i find i can never explain WhY i feel the way i do and just get fustrated at myself, but i have been opening up alot more and it really has helped... but you know ig in a way its nice talking to be people who you dont necessarily know? ankther reason why this is a really important thing yall are doing 😊


3 years ago
@Monarch 🦋 yeah, it truly sucks when the brain decides to take a nap at the worst of moments :/

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: I’m glad you found us! There are at least like ten other people and we are hoping we can spread so that lots of people can benefit from what we are doing


3 years ago
@Monarch 🦋 Could i perhaps join you? as i feel real strongly towards this and how important it is, i believe i could really help some people as i understand how they feel, particuarly the anxiety part...i would like to help others have those good days! and know they CAN talk to someone and really shouldnt remain silent. Helping others i think will also help me in a way, knowing that together we can get through it😊 i like to think im good at giving advice, and im told that im a chatty and friendly person to talk to in general if anyone just wanted to talk...

Monarch 🦋

3 years ago
@:...SqUiGgLeT...: one question first, how would you rate yourself 1-10 at helping people in a emotional situation?


3 years ago
@Monarch 🦋 i would say 8, I've helped friends many times sort through what their thinking/feeling and helped them make sense of it and how to resolve or work on things, i have BUNDLES of empathy to anyone who struggles with anxiety and know ways to handle and take control over it so anxiety doesnt have so much power and influence over us, and i feel really good after knowing ive helped someone